Installing SSL Certificate on IIS

Installing an SSL Certificate on internet Information Services (IIS) involved several steps. Here's a general overview of the process


  • You should have an SSL certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

  • Ensure you have access to the IIS server with appropriate permissions to configure SSL.

  • To convert your .cer into different file formats, Utilize our eMudhra utility tool to seamlessly transform your files into .cer, .pfx (.p12), .jks, or .pem formats, and conveniently import zip files using our CSR tool."

Steps to Install SSL Certificate on IIS

1. Installing SSL Certificate on IIS 7 To install an SSL certificate on IIS 7, please Click here to follow the instructions.

2. Installing SSL Certificate on IIS 7 Add a Certificate Snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

  1. Click on your Start Menu, then click Run.

  2. In the prompt, type mmc and click OK.

  3. Click File, then click Add/Remove Snap-in.

  4. On the new window, click the Add button.

  5. On the new window, select Certificates and click Add.

  6. Select Computer account for the snap-in and click Next.

  7. Click Local computer and click Finish.

  8. Click Close on the Add Standalone Snap-in window.

  9. Click OK on the Add/Remove Snap-in window.

Import the Intermediate SSL Certificate

  1. In the MCC Console, click expand icon to expand Certificates (Local Computer).

  2. Right-click on the Intermediate Certification Authorities folder, hover over All Tasks, and click Import.

  3. On the new window, click Next.

  4. Click Browse, find your previously uploaded intermediate certificate file and click Open.

  5. Click Next, verify that the certificate information is proper then click on Finish button.

  6. Close the import when you get a successful notification.

Import the Intermediate SSL Certificate

  1. Click on your Start Menu, then click Run

  2. In the prompt, type inetmgr and click OK to launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  3. Under the Connections panel on the left, click on your Server Name.

  4. In the main panel under the IIS section, double-click on Server Certificates.

  5. Under the Actions panel on the right, click Complete Certificate Request.

  6. On the new window, click ... to browse, find your previously uploaded primary certificate file and click Open.

  7. Add a Friendly name to easily identify this certificate in the future.

  8. In the certificate store option, select Personal and click OK.

Bind the SSL certificate

  1. Under the Connections panel on the left, click ? to expand the Sites folder.

  2. Click the Site Name that you plan to install the SSL certificate onto.

  3. Under the Actions panel on the right, find the Edit Site section and click Bindings.

  4. On the new window, click Add and fill out the following information: Type: https IP Address: Select your site's IP Address or All Unassigned. Port: 443 Host Name: leave this empty. SSL Certificate: Select your recently installed certificate.

  5. Click OK to confirm, then Close for the Site Bindings window.

Restart IIS

  • Under the Actions panel on the right, find the Manage Website section and click Restart.

3. Installing SSL Certificate on IIS 10 Open IIS Manager

  • On the server, open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. You can do this by searching for "IIS" in the Windows Start menu.

  • In the connections panel on the left, select your server mode.

Select your server

  • In the middle panel, double-click on "Server Certificates".

Import the SSL Certificate

  • In the actions panel on the right, click on "Import".

  • Browse for the SSL certificate file (either the .pfx or the certificate and private key files), and enter the associated password if required.

Complete the Certificate Request Wizard

  • On the Actions menu on the right, click Complete Certificate Request. The Complete Certificate Request wizard will open in a new window. Follow the steps & ensure that the "Mark this key as exportable" option is selected.

Set Certificate Bindings

  1. In the IIS Manager, navigate to the website to which you want to apply the SSL certificate.

  2. In the Actions panel on the right, click on "Bindings."

  3. Click "Add" and select the following:

  • Type: https

  • IP Address: Select your site's IP Address or All Unassigned.

  • Port: 443

  • Host Name: Not required for single name certificate installation.

  • When all settings are configured, click OK.

Configure SSL Settings

  • Go back and access the SSL Settings. Click on the Require SSL checkbox and in the right-side Actions menu, click Apply.

Save Changes and Restart IIS

  • After making these changes, click "Apply" in the access panel if required.

  • Restart the IIS server to apply the SSL certificate and settings.

Important Note

  • Your website should now be using the SSL Certificate, and it will be accessible over HTTPS. Remember to keep your SSL certificate up to date and secure, check for regular any updates or certificate renewals.

Last updated

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