Installing SSL Certificate on WHM

To install an SSL certificate on a WHM (Web Host Manager) server, you'll need to follow these general steps. Keep in mind that the specific steps may vary slightly depending on your web hosting provider and the version of WHM you're using. Also, ensure you have the SSL certificate and private key files ready before starting.


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Here are the general steps to install an SSL certificate on WHM:

1. Access WHM:

First, please log in to WHM. The login URL is typically available under: https://yourserverip:2087 in a web browser.

2. Navigate to the SSL/TLS Manager

On the WHM Homepage, click the "SSL/TLS" button.

3. Install the SSL Certificate on Domain

On the SSL/TLS Manager page, click "Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain".

4. Enter Certificate Details

You will be prompted to enter the following details:

  • Domain: Choose the domain for which you're installing the certificate.

  • Certificate: Paste the certificate file provided by the CA.

  • Private Key: Paste your private key.

  • Certificate Authority Bundle: If applicable, paste any CA bundle or intermediate certificates.

5. Install Certificate

Click the "Install Certificate" or equivalent button to install the SSL certificate.

6. Check Certificate Installation

After installing the certificate, you should check to ensure it was installed correctly. You can use online SSL checker tools or command-line utilities like OpenSSL to verify the certificate.

7. Update Website Configuration

You may need to update your website configuration to use the SSL certificate. If you're using cPanel, this can often be done in the "Domains" or "Security" section.

8. Check Installation

You have completed all the required steps to install your SSL certificate. Verify that the SSL certificate is correctly installed by accessing your website or service using HTTPS. After installing your certificate, it is a good practice to test your SSL setup using various online tools to ensure everything is working correctly.

Last updated

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