Custom Fields

The emSign CERTInext platform allows you to incorporate custom fields in your certificate order form, streamlining record-keeping and enhancing order management efficiency.

Key Features

  • Default Setting: The Custom Fields feature is turned off by default. To enable this feature for your account, please contact your account manager.

  • Access for Administrators: Once enabled, the Custom Order Fields menu option becomes available under Settings > Custom Fields for Administrator users.

  • Account-Specific Customization: These custom fields are unique and specific to your account.

Use Cases

Enterprises often require additional custom fields to capture specific information relevant to their operations. Below are some common examples:

  • Project Codes: Record internal project codes in the order form to automatically associate them with the order.

  • Cost Centre/Business Unit: Capture cost centre or department names (e.g., Technology) to link orders to specific business units.

  • Internal Notes: Add internal request numbers, comments for order fulfillment, or special handling instructions.

  • Owner/Sponsor Email ID: Include project owner/sponsor email IDs to serve as points of contact for future queries.

  • Escalation POC: Record escalation points of contact for streamlined issue resolution during escalations.

  • Purchase Order Number: Add PO numbers to facilitate invoicing and payment processing.

  • Server IP Address: Capture server IP addresses to generate server-wise SSL usage reports when required.

  • Provider Name: Record the SSL provider’s name (e.g., eMudhra) for reference.

  • SSL Hosting Service Provider Name: Include the hosting service provider’s name for additional insights.

By leveraging custom fields, enterprises can tailor the certificate ordering process to their unique needs, improving operational efficiency and ensuring better record management.

Adding a custom field

Follow the steps below to add a new custom field to your emSign account:

Access the Add Custom Field Option: Click on the "Add Custom Field (+)" option. The 'Add Custom Field' pop-up window will appear, as shown below.

Enter Field Details:

  • Field/Label Name: Provide a name for the custom field.

  • Field Description: Add a description to display as help text for the custom field (optional).

  • Input Type: Select the input type from the drop-down menu. The subsequent required fields will depend on the selected input type.

Input Type Configurations:

  • Text Box:

    • Max. Length: Specify the maximum allowed characters for the text field.

    • Field Specification: Choose from Alphabets, Integers, or Special Characters.

    • Field Presence: Mark the field as Optional or Mandatory.

  • Drop-down:

    • Field Values List: Provide a pre-defined list of values.

    • Field Presence: Mark the field as Optional or Mandatory.

  • Date Picker:

    • Field Presence: Mark the field as Optional or Mandatory.

  • Checkbox:

    • Field Values List: Provide a pre-defined list of options.

    • Field Presence: Mark the field as Optional or Mandatory.

  • Email:

    • Max. Length: Specify the maximum allowed characters.

    • Field Presence: Mark the field as Optional or Mandatory.

Click on "Add Field" to save and add the custom field to your account.

View Custom Field

Click on the 'View' hyperlink in the grid to open the Custom Field Details page. On the Custom Field View page, Account Administrators can:

  • Edit: Modify the custom field details as needed.

  • Deactivate: Disable the custom field. Once deactivated, the field will no longer appear in the order forms.

Last updated

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