Import & Export Certificate

eMudhra Certificate Utility Tool comes with in-built Import & Export Certificate feature to easily convert your certificates in various industry-standard formats such as .pfx, .jks. & .pem files. Additionally, while exporting .pfx file, you can also export your .key file (private key material) for your enterprise needs.

  • Step 1: To get started, please click 'Import Certificate'.

  • Step 2: Pick your SSL/other certificate and click Import. This tool gives you the flexibility to import your certificate using following options,

    • Option 1: Only end-entity certificate (.cer issued by emSign)

    • Option 2: Complete certificate chain (.zip received from emSign).

  • Step 3: Once your certificate is imported successfully, you get to see the certificate details of your end-entity certificate such as,

    • Common Name (e.g.:

    • Certificate Serial Number

    • Thumbprint value

  • Step 4: Choose the export option and proceed to Save your certificate.

    • Option 1: .pfx

    • Option 2: .pem

    • Option 3: .jks

  • Step 5: Select the desired format (say, .pfx) and click 'Export'.

    • PFX password: Please set your PFX password and memorize this for your future usage.

Step 6: Certificate exported/converted successfully.

Step 7: Once it's exported successfully, you can see the following as shown below.

  1. PFX file

  2. Private Key (.key) file

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