Create Private CA
To create a new private go to My Account > Certificate authorities
In this screen account users can create Root & subordinate CA
To create a new private CA, click on "+" icon of certificate authorities. Screen will navigate to the create private CA screen as shown below.
Choose CA Type
Select Type & validity in this section. Type: Root CA (or) Subordinate CA Root CA: By using this option account user can create root CA by providing validity.
Subordinate CA: If this option is selected account user need to provide, Parent CA & Define the purpose (i.e., Sub CA (or) End Entity certificate) Sub CA: This option is used to create Sub CA that lies between subordinate CA & end entity certificate. End Entity Certificate: This option is used to create end entity certificate & Provide the validity.
Click on the "Next" button to proceed further.
Configure CA Details
Enter CA common name, Organization name, Organization unit, Country, State/province and locality.
Click on the "Next" button to proceed further.
Key Information
Select the "Key Algorithm" from the available list.
Click on "Next" button to proceed further.
CA Extensions
Check Key extension from the available list. Account user can check its specific key usages, not recommended to check all the key usages.
Click on the "Next" button to proceed further.
Important Note:
CA extensions will vary based on the selected type in choose type (i.e., Root (or) Subordinate CA)
Additional Information
In this section user can add the reporting tags, order remarks and provide the technical point of contact details if required. Reporting tags: Account user can add the reporting tags by clicking on "Add tag" option to map it to the order request for filtering.
Account user can add tag name & tag value and click on "Save" button to proceed further. Order Remarks: Account user can add the order remarks as part of this order request.
Summary & Payment
This section displays the summary of CA information, CA details, Key information & Other additional information as shown below.
Payment information
It displays the current account balance with the order value and grand total.
In case of USD no GST will be available in payment information
In case of INR GST will be available in payment information
Account User can place a private CA by clicking on "Pay now" button.
On click of "Pay now" button amount will be deducted from default group.
Upon clicking on "Pay now" button a private CA will be created & status will be as "Active" as shown below.
What's following?
Upon payment successful account users can download CA certificate by CA view page & they can utilize this CA for custom product creation if it is "End entity certificate".
Last updated