Order Your IGTF Certificate by Using External DNS Type

To order an IGTF certificate by using external DNS Type option from emSign hub, below are the steps applicable

  1. Choose your IGTF product.

  2. Fill out the Certificate Requester information (Name, email ID, mobile no & Designation)

  3. Provide Certificate Information details.

  4. Upload / Attach your Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

  5. Provide additional information (Reporting tags, order remarks & custom fields (if applicable)).

  6. Proceed with IGTF product certificate payment.

  7. The detailed certificate ordering flow is explained below.

Choose Product & Validity

  • Under the Private PKI product section, select IGTF product from the Product dropdown list.

  • Click the "Next" button to proceed further.

Certificate Requestor Information

  • Enter the requester name, requester email ID, mobile number and designation as part of the certificate requester details to get all the order-related notifications.

  • Click on 'Next' to proceed further.

Certificate Information

  • Enter Domain Name which will be a mandatory field as part of this section.

  • Checkbox of "Automatically secure 'www' variant of websites" will be checked by default. User can uncheck it if required.

  • If you wish you to enter the other details such as Additional domain names, Organization name, organization unit, country and state/province

  • Click the "Next" button to proceed further.

Important Note

  • If DNS Type is selected as the "Internal" option, then an order successful email will not be sent to the requester. Account user can download the certificate instantly upon order placed by using the "Download Certificate" option.

  • If DNS Type is selected as the "External" option, then an order successful email will be sent to the requester with a track order link. Requester need to complete all the pending action & can download the certificate.

Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

  • User can add the CSR in both ways as shown below.

  • Upload CSR

  • Paste CSR

  • In the case of private PKI products, the account user has to mandatorily submit the CSR.

  • Click Next to proceed further.

Additional Information

  • This information section is optional. In this section account user can add the reporting tags, Order remarks and provide the technical point of contact details if required.

  • Reporting tags: Account users can add the reporting tags by clicking on the "Add tag" option to map it to the order request for filtering.

  • Account users can add tag name & tag value and click on the "Save" button to proceed further.

  • KYC Documents: If the Account user wishes to add KYC Documents, then click on the check box of 'KYC Documents'. This helps Enterprise Administrators to review the submitted KYC documents and approve the certificate requests.

  • After Click on the check box, upload the respective document and description. Click on "Add Document" button If the user wants to add multiple KYC documents.

  • Order Remarks: The account user can add the order remarks as part of this order request.

  • Click on 'Next' to proceed further.

Order Summary & Payment

  • This section displays the Product information, Certificate Details, Administrator validation checklist & payment information.

  • It also indicates the payment deduction group from which the amount will be deducted.

Administrator Validation Checklist

  • This section will be displayed based on the private PKI product creation level with the given presence (i.e., Optional / Mandatory). Additionally, this section will not be displayed when an order is placed, it will be displayed in case of administrator approval.

Payment information

  • It displays the current account balance with the order value and grand total.

  • In the case of USD, no GST is applicable as part of payment information.

  • In the case of INR, GST is applicable as part of payment information.

  • Users can place an order by clicking on the "Pay now" button.

  • Upon clicking on "Pay now" the user will be navigated to the orders view page where all the order-related information will be displayed.

Important Note: In a few cases, if an order requires administrator approval then the order status would be displayed as "Order Pending for Approval".

What's following?

  • Upon successful order placed Certificate Requester will be notified with order successful email. This email includes a link that navigate them to track order page where user can track all the certificate verification process for downloading the certificate.

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