Account Types
CERTInext offers three types of accounts: Reseller, Enterprise, and Retail. Each account type provides varying levels of access and features tailored to meet the specific needs of different users.
Reseller Accounts
Ideal for: SSL providers, web hosting companies, cloud service providers, and other resellers of digital certificates.
Reseller accounts offer comprehensive access to the CERTInext portal, enabling resellers to efficiently manage their operations and sub-accounts. Key features include:
Group Management: Add, manage, edit, and allocate funds to groups.
User Management: Add, manage, invite, and approve users and user invitations.
Organization & Domain Management: Manage organizations, domain settings, and pre-approve pending orders from sub-accounts.
Sub-Account Management: Create and manage sub-accounts, set customized price lists for sub-accounts, and monitor activities.
Certificate Management: Issue, renew, and manage public and private certificates; monitor expiring certificates; and generate API keys for REST and ACME integrations.
Finance and Billing: Allocate funds, manage account finances, and access audit logs.
Product Customization: Develop customized products and create public/private CAs for tailored certificate solutions.
Tools & Reports: Access detailed reports, tools, and notifications regarding groups and self-orders for enhanced operational efficiency.
Notifications: Receive alerts on pending self-orders and other group-related activities.
Profile and Billing Management: Update profile information, manage billing details, and access account settings.
Enterprise Accounts
Ideal for: Large organizations and enterprises managing their own certificate infrastructure.
Enterprise accounts provide many of the same capabilities as reseller accounts, with a few limitations to align with internal enterprise needs. Key features include:
Full Portal Access: Manage certificates, users, domains, and organizations directly through the portal.
Group and Fund Management: Create, edit, and manage groups, and allocate funds to streamline operations.
Organization & Domain Management: Pre-verify and manage domains and organizations for faster certificate issuance.
API Integrations: Access REST and ACME APIs to generate and manage their own keys.
Certificate Management: Issue and monitor certificates, with built-in tools to track expiring certificates.
Finance & Billing Management: View financial reports, manage account funds, and update billing information.
Private CA Management: Create and manage private CAs and develop customized products for internal use.
Reports & Tools: Utilize the reporting features and tools available on the platform.
Profile and Notifications: Manage profile information and receive alerts related to self-orders and associated group activities.
Limitations: Enterprise accounts do not have access to sub-account creation or price list management for sub-accounts.
Retail (Online) Accounts
Ideal for: Customers using the online platform for personal or business certificate needs.
Retail accounts provide similar functionality to enterprise accounts, giving users access to the following:
Portal Access: Manage certificates, domains, and organizations through a user-friendly interface.
API Integration: Utilize REST and ACME APIs for key management.
Group and User Management: Create groups and manage users within their account.
Billing and Finance Management: Manage billing details, access invoices, and view financial reports.
Private CA and Product Management: Create private CAs and develop customized products for internal use.
Reports and Tools: Generate reports and access platform tools for improved management.
Notifications: Receive alerts regarding expiring certificates and pending orders.
Summary of Account Capabilities
Retail (Online)
Group Management
✅ Add, manage, edit, fund groups
✅ Add, manage, edit, fund groups
✅ Manage groups
User Management
✅ Full access
✅ Full access
✅ Full access
Sub-Account Creation
✅ Yes
❌ No
❌ No
Price List Management
✅ Yes
❌ No
❌ No
✅ Full integration
✅ Limited to own keys
✅ Limited to own keys
Public & Private CA Management
✅ Full access
✅ Private CA only
✅ Private CA only
Customized Product Development
✅ Yes
✅ Yes
✅ Yes
Finance & Billing Management
✅ Complete access
✅ Complete access
✅ Limited to account level
Reporting & Analytics
✅ Full reports
✅ Full reports
✅ Full reports
✅ Group and order alerts
✅ Group and order alerts
✅ Order alerts
The CERTInext platform ensures that each account type - Reseller, Enterprise, or Retail is equipped with tailored features to meet specific user needs. Whether you are managing certificates for customers or operating your own certificate infrastructure, CERTInext offers the tools and flexibility required for efficient digital certificate management.
Last updated